We made our first pick on October 10 and got a little more fruit, and a little more oil, than we had expected. We harvested 3376 pounds of fruit and pressed 59 gallons of oil— slightly higher yields than normal. The fruit consisted of about 50% Manzanillo olives, tiny and bright green, and 50% 4 Italian varieties: Coratina, Frantoio, Pendolino, and Leccino. We picked all of these very green, when they are most aromatic and the oil they produce is freshest. Our pick on the 10th was in fact the very first fruit to be delivered to the mill in 2022.
We made 3 separate picks this year, compressed from the 6 that we anticipated because of the warm, sunny weather at harvest. We pushed hard to bring in all the olives at the peak of freshness, before they colored and softened.
The third pick had the greatest variety of different cultivars, the most Italian and Greek olives, and the least Manzanillo. I think that it is the best of all them.
As I write this, there are 10 remaining 2-packs from this pick. We will bottle and ship the oil on October 31 and it will be in your hands about a week later.